Monday, June 27, 2011

Rejoicing in His Sovereignty

John Piper: Real Choice, Divine Sway, and theWay Paul Lived

It is almost 5am and I have been up for a couple hours already. My sweet husband called from overseas around 3:30am.  I woke up with a headache, so while I was on the phone I took some excedrine... hence why I am still up and my brain is running nonstop! I had a feeling the caffeine would keep me up, but I couldn't handle the headache any longer.

As I got off the phone, I decided I would read some sermons/blogs from John Piper @ ... I was just unloading to my husband about how blah I have been feeling spiritually. I know feelings aren't everything, and obedience is still a priority despite being in a pit or mountain top. But gosh, it sure is nice to feel that passion for the Lord. So, I thought it would be nice to read and renew my mind with some sermons that always point me to the Lord through His Word. It sure has been a long year, but I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! Praise the Lord. I can already feel the darkness lifting.

So that is how I ended up at this blog post of Piper's... how refreshing and how wonderfully he examines the balance of God's sovereignty/Divine sway and our human responsibility.

I definitely think this was timely and my heart is so thankful today. This is exactly what I needed. Just to explain, I was raised in a performance based home. I greatly appreciate all my parents did for me, but I know that I have some "anti-Bible intellectual baggage inherited from planet earth" as Piper so rightly defines it. I am encouraged this morning to seek the Lord and ask Him to remove that from my mind and help me to clearly see Him. I struggle with guilt when I don't do exactly what I think I should do on any given day. All too often I pull away from the Lord in sin instead of run back to Him. Oh, how desperate I am and in need of His Spirit.  When I am left to myself, I run from Him and continue in my sin instead of returning to Him in genuine repentence. It is a vicious cycle. These verses are so encouraging to me today... It was finished on the cross. He is the One who works within me. He has already accomplished for me what I couldn't do on my own... Paul puts it perfectly

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own." Philippians 3:12

 Thank you Lord, for humbly coming to earth for our sake. You knew that the only way to restore our relationship to You was to come and atone for our sin. Thank You for enduring all you had to endure to accomplish Your work on the cross. I have full confidence that because of what You did, my future is secure.  Thank You that we know that You live and intercede on our behalf. I sure do feel that today as I sit here being refreshed by Your Spirit.

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